Release: Coalition of progressive groups call on Democrats in new Congress to reject fossil fuel money, push bold and aggressive climate policies

November 27, 2018By media 1 Comment

As Democrats vie for leadership positions in the new Congress, 47 progressive groups released a letter today demanding that candidates for House leadership posts pledge to reject fossil fuel money. In order to effectively lead on a Green New Deal and make a just transition away from fossil fuels, the letter calls for prospective leaders of the new House to declare themselves fossil fuel money-free.

Sparking a new conversation around “climate leadership”

October 3, 2018By media No Comments

In mid-September, thousands converged for the Global Climate Action Summit hosted by Governor Jerry Brown, with conversations focused primarily on efforts to reduce emissions and lower the demand for fossil fuels. Outside the official summit proceedings, however, Oil Change International teamed up with numerous partners to mobilize pressure on Governor Brown and other political leaders to address a major gap in action: putting policies in place to wind down fossil fuel extraction.