It’s high time to reset the definition of “climate leadership” at all levels, and to get serious about taking on Big Oil, Gas, and Coal. This year we’re endorsing a group of climate leaders who are willing to stand up to the fossil fuel industry – to reject its money by taking the No Fossil Fuel Money Pledge, to reject all new fossil fuel projects, and to promote real solutions to the climate crisis.
We’re endorsing a fantastic group of local, state, and federal candidates who are bravely standing up to the fossil fuel industry and redefining climate leadership through their campaigns and policy positions. These climate leaders are running in the West, Midwest, South, Mid-Atlantic, and Northeast, for all levels of county, state, and federal government.
They come from different backgrounds and occupations, but they’ve got one thing in common – they’re not afraid to stand up and call out the real villain of the climate crisis, the fossil fuel industry. Each of these candidates has taken the No Fossil Fuel Money Pledge, speaks openly about stopping the expansion of fossil fuel infrastructure in their region, and is committed to a just transition for all fossil fuel workers and impacted communities.

Kevin de León
U.S. Senate, CA
Kevin is challenging incumbent Sen. Dianne Feinstein as a progressive voice for Californians who want to see their Senator stand up to corporate power like Big Oil. He’s a past President of the CA State Senate, where he denounced donations from fossil fuel interests and pushed for a moratorium on fracking in California – a position Feinstein has now also adopted. Kevin also pushed through major progressive climate legislation that commits California to 100% clean electricity by 2045.

Andrew Gillum
Governor of Florida
Andrew was one of the very first signers of the No Fossil Fuel Money Pledge. He’s the current Mayor of Tallahassee, where he has been outspoken in his opposition to the Sabal Trail fracked gas pipeline and helped pass an ordinance to ban fracking. Andrew has been steadfast in his vision of expanding this fracking ban to the entire state of Florida if elected Governor, and he’ll push for a transition to renewable energy that will create thousands of good-paying, union jobs in the process.

Nika Elugardo
MA State House
15th Suffolk
Nika has pledged to reject all new fossil fuel infrastructure if elected to the Massachusetts State House, and is committed to transitioning the state to 100% renewable energy in a just and equitable fashion. She took the No Fossil Fuel Money Pledge, then won a resounding victory in her primary election over an incumbent Rep. who proudly touted his acceptance of money from the fossil fuel industry. Nika is ready to give the people of Massachusetts a new voice in Boston.

Ilhan Omar
U.S. House, MN-05
Ilhan has been a Minneapolis organizer and community leader for over 20 years, and is an outspoken opponent of the Line 3 tar sands pipeline that Enbridge is currently trying to push through Minnesota. She supports a moratorium on new oil and gas infrastructure, and has pledged to oppose all giveaways to fossil fuel executives if elected. Ilhan has run a proudly fossil-free campaign, speaking frequently about a just transition to build a clean energy economy with good-paying, union jobs.

Christa Yoakum
Public Service Commission (NE)
Christa is running for Nebraska’s Public Service Commission (PSC) with a promise to put Nebraskans first. The PSC approved Keystone XL’s permits – but if Christa is elected, a majority of the commission will be opposed to the use eminent domain for dangerous pipeline development, and will be able to stop Keystone XL when it comes before them again. Christa is focused on protecting the environment, expanding broadband access for all, and protecting consumers from corporate greed.

Stephanie Garcia Richard
Commissioner of Public Lands (NM)
Stephanie is running to oversee methane regulations and administer public lands for the entire state of New Mexico. She is committed to stopping the expansion fracking and drilling for oil and gas in the Permian Basin, one of the largest remaining fossil fuel reserves in the world. Chevron and others spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in the primary election opposing Stephanie, and they’ll likely oppose her people-first agenda just as strongly in the general election.

Deb Haaland
U.S. House, NM-01
Deb was an early signer of the No Fossil Fuel Money Pledge, and supports a ban on fracking. She unapologetically calls out the fossil fuel industry, and has pledged to vote against all new fossil fuel infrastructure if elected to Congress. Deb’s work is grounded in her belief that Indigenous rights and climate justice cannot be separated, and she is committed to helping tribes across the country battle the fossil fuel industry in their backyards and work for a just transition to 100% renewable energy.

Katy Eymann
Coos County Commission (OR)
Katy is a local organizer who’s running to stop the Jordan Cove LNG pipeline and export facility in Oregon, and to revitalize Coos County with economic opportunity that will last long beyond the fracked-gas era. Jordan Cove, the company behind the project, has donated over $20,000 to Katy’s opponent, who is in favor of the proposed project, while Katy has taken the No Fossil Fuel Money Pledge and run a people-powered campaign from Day One.

Jess King
U.S. House, PA-11
Jess is a pipeline fighter and lifelong Pennsylvanian who isn’t afraid to fight back hard against the fossil fuel industry. She’s led the fight against the Atlantic Sunrise Pipeline, and believes every American deserves access to clean water, clean air, and good-paying jobs that can sustain families. Jess was one of the first No Fossil Fuel Money Pledge signers, and is facing off against GOP incumbent Lloyd Smucker, who’s pocketed thousands from the Koch Brothers and other fossil fuel interests.

Danielle Friel Otten
PA State House
155th District
Danielle got involved in politics through her fight against the Mariner East 2 pipeline, which was being forced through her backyard by the same company that built the Dakota Access Pipeline. She began organizing locally, which led directly to her inspiring, people-powered campaign in which she has rejected the dirty influence of Pennsylvania frackers. Danielle opposes new fossil fuel infrastructure, and will work to scale up funding for a just transition to a green economy that works for all.

Randy Bryce
U.S. House, WI-01
Randy has spent the majority of his adult life working as an ironworker, and is now running to replace GOP House Speaker Paul Ryan in Congress. He's one of the strongest political voices calling for a swift end to all fossil fuel subsidies, and he’s a fierce advocate both for taking on the fossil fuel industry and for building out the clean energy economy. Randy has extensively discussed his vision of passing a Green New Deal to allow for a truly just transition to renewable energy for all.